Campise & Bro Shaving Parlor
Barber Shop Located At 946 South 6th Street
Philadelphia Pennsylvania
Photo Taken Somewhere Around 1915 to 1918
On the left: - Barber: Joseph Campise
on the Right: - Joseph's brother Nicholas Campise
Joseph & Nicholas were my grandfather, George's older brothers.
They can all be sceen as children on the Campisi family from Sicily Page.
This is one of the last photos taken of Nicholas Campise.
He died shortly after during the 1918 influenza epidemic that killed 50 million people world wide.
The photo was given to me in 2007 by my father Paul Eugene Campise
The photo was torn and in bad condition.
I was able to use some computer programs to restore it.
It was noticed by my father that Joseph was using the Campise not the original Campisi spelling.